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腳眼之友 - Tom Dick And Not Harry
今天想介紹幾個朋友仔給大家認識,他們就是Tom Dick And Not Harry。 他們是我們身體的一部分,位於腳踝內側。 Tom Dick And Not Harry 其實是在內踝後面找到的結構的首字母助記詞。 Tom Dick And Not Harry T –...
什麼是網球肘? 網球肘的正式學名稱為肱骨外上髁肌腱炎。當患者在伸展手腕、手肘或用網球拍反手揮動時,引起手肘外側的疼痛。 但是,網球肘這名字並不意味着它只會發生在運動員身上。其他職業,如汽車維修師、水電工或廚師等也有可能患上這疾病。網球肘的疼痛是以重複性的彎曲和旋轉手臂造成的...
The Knee Unlocker
Today I would like to introduce to you an important muscle of the knee, the Popliteus. To understand the popliteus, we must first...
Patellar Reflex
Have you ever wondered why your leg will kick instantly once your doctor or therapist hit your patella tendon with a reflex hammer? The...
What is Urinary Incontinence – Part 2
As mentioned in our previous post, urinary incontinence can happen to anyone. The muscles that support your pelvic organs could weaken...
What is Urinary Incontinence – Part 1
Urinary incontinence is a condition where you may experience bladder control issues leading to leakage of urine. Our urinary system is...
FOOSH injury
FOOSH injury is an acronym for “fall on an outstretched hand”. This term is describing the mechanism of the injury. FOOSH injury can...
Prolonged Mouse and Keyboard Usage
After prolonged keyboard and mouse usage, do you experience elbow pain or finger numbness? Whether you work from home or in an office,...
Tic Tac Toe Relay
This game requires 9 objects to create your tic tac toe board; this could be hula hoops, large plastic bowls or rope. You will also need...
Frozen Shoulder
Have you heard of frozen shoulder before? What is it? Frozen Shoulder is a common shoulder condition that mostly affects people aged...
Red Light Green Light
Throwback Thursday! Has everyone forgotten about the Red Light Green Light survival game shown in Squid Games? There are many variations...
Do you have muscle knots?
Have you ever noticed a taut band within the muscles after working or sitting for a prolonged period? And that hurts especially when you...
Tips to Prevent New Parenting Injuries
While learning to take care of a newborn, moms and dads also learn that there are changes to their own bodies. New aches and pains from...
Why does rubbing reduce pain?
Have you ever tried rubbing your muscles when they are sore and painful, and all of a sudden you don’t feel as much pain? We will take a...
Book Worm Workout
Storytime doesn’t have to be just for bedtime. Reading your child a story and brining in a workout for them is a great way to get their...
The Warning Sign of Organs
Did you know that the condition of our organs can manifest as musculoskeletal pain? We always think about musculoskeletal injuries when...
Body Bridges for Kids
Body bridges are a fun core strengthening exercise that kids can do. You can also use toys to attract their attention by driving cars,...
The Hidden Fracture
Have you ever encountered or heard that when you or a friend was injured, the fracture did not show up on X-ray until a week later? Or...
Reducing Arm Soreness After a Vaccination
Arm soreness is a common side effect that lasts for a day or two after receiving a vaccination. The pain in your arm is your immune...
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Have you ever experienced shoulder and neck pain, upper limb numbness and muscle weakness? These are the symptoms of thoracic outlet...
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